In spite of the most meticulous planning it is not always
possible to place the ducts for inlet and outlet air on the
same level, side by side. The solution for this problem is
the crossing piece by RoomAir, very simple and economic. The
exhaust air is conducted in an uninterrupted tube in transverse
direction through the air inlet / outlet box, whereas in longitudinal
direction the duct for the inlet air is interrupted so that
the fresh air can find its way around the closed exhaust air
tube to the continuation of the inlet air duct.
Thanks to the removable cover at the bottom of this box, cleaning
is very easy.
The pressure loss in the system is very small, as shown by
the measurements of HSLU Luzern.
Inside: Length/Width/Depth: 230 x 120 x 118 mm
Length/Width/Depth: 260 x 150 x 122 mm
with Filigree-frame 50mm
element VWE
The heating element VWE additionally provides a comfortable
room temperature. With the heating elements (PTC) the room
temperature can be optimally adjusted. Should the room temperature
fall below the desired level, the air heating element is activated.
The resistance in the element is increased which warms up
the air. If the temperature in the room rises, the resistance
is lowered until the set room temperature is again achieved
and the heating element is switched off. The reaction time
of this element is by far superior to a floor or radiator
heating system which makes the conversion of electric energy
into heat optimal and economical.
Ceiling connection with adjustable disc valve
Regulation of air volume
To be able to take into account the varying requirements of
air volume in different rooms, a disc valve is available for
each of both tube diameters. It can be placed directly in
the tube, both in the distribution box and in the inlet /outlet
TVR-75 Disc
valve for tube diameter 75 mm (inside diameter 60mm)
TVR-90 Disc
valve for tube diameter 90mm (Inside diameter 75mm)
Air filter
To clean the exhaust air a G3-filter is used to absorb coarse
particles, thus avoiding dirt in the exhaust air ducts. The
filters can be installed without problems behind the grids.
Changing them is simple.
Filter for exhaust air
Mounting lid for round outlet
The mounting lid is used to cover the opening of the connecting
piece (round outlet 100 mm and 125 mm), to keep liquid concrete
from entering the connecting piece during pouring concrete.
After removing the casings, also the mounting lids are taken
off again.
100 x 17mm (for round outlet 100mm)
x 25mm (for round outlet 125mm)
for RAZ-100, ZAS-3/100 and ZAM-5/100
for RAZ-125, ZAS-3/125 and ZAM-5/125