kontrollierte wohnraumlüftung
wohnraumlüftung, komfortlüftung, minergie, minergiestandart, modulare lüftung  
D | F | E
air distribution system

Why and what is checked?

It is very important that an air distribution system be evaluated by a competent institution. The most important points of comfortable ventilation are:
• a low sound level and
• a pressure loss as small as possible.

Therefore the RoomAir ventilation components are examined by HSLU in Lucerne, test center HLK, regarding:
• Sound: Task: How much is the sound level reduction and the sound performance of RoomAir ventilation   components?
• Pressure loss: Task: How much is the pressure loss caused by RoomAir ventilation components?

Sound measurements
Sound measurements were made to determine the influence of the air distribution system on the reduction of the sound level and the sound power of controlled room ventilation. The tests have shown that the geometry and execution with plastics of the ventilation components have a very positive influence on the development of noise. The result regarding sound power cannot be summed up more concisely than in the concluding remark:
„For the air inlet at the air distribution box the flow noises at volume flows < 41 m3/h would have been interesting. But it is not possible to measure the sound power levels at these volume flows with the current measuring installation.".

Detailed results can be taken from the extensive test report HP-06525. A summary can be found under:
Test report Sound Measurements HP06525-1, (1,1 MB, pdf)

Pressure loss measurements
To make sure that a comfortable ventilation operates without problems, the pressure losses of the individual parts must be known. Also in this field the results of the RoomAir ventilation components are excellent: The hexagonal air collection and distribution box with the central air supply produces a very uniform pressure distribution. The test centre HLK reports:
„As a precautionary action the flow distribution in the air distributors and air collectors has been looked at closely before starting the pressure loss measurements to find out if any balancing is needed. Preliminary measurements at different volume flows have shown that specifically for the pressure loss measurements of each unit under test no balancing is needed because the flow distribution in the distributors is even."

Not only the air collection and distribution boxes show excellent results, also the air inlet and outlet boxes show a very low pressure loss.

The exact measuring values can be taken from the detailed test report HP-07654. Due to the large amount of data of the report, a summary can be downloaded:
Test report Pressure Loss Measurements HP07654-1, (1,3 MB, pdf)
The detailed test report can be asked for from RoomAir.